Call For Nominations
Nu Mu Chapter of Sigma
Board of Directors Opportunities
*Open Elected Positions (Term July 2024 – June 2026)
President – Elect (1 year)
Treasurer- 2 years
Faculty Counselor – 2 years
Leadership Succession Committee Chair/members
*Self- Nominations welcomed
**Appointed Positions (Term July 2024 – June 2026)
Philanthropy/Fundraising Chair
Scholarship Co-Chair
Eligibility Chair (Faculty member)
Bylaws Chair
Program Committee Members
**Co-Chair Positions available
If interested in any of the positions, elected or appointed, or if you have questions, please contact Dr. Darlene Finocchiaro, Leadership Succession Chair, at or by text at 626-318-3448.
Leadership Succession Committee Member:
Dr. Kay Yang ( )
Sigma Nu Mu Open Board Position Descriptions
President-elect: The president-elect shall perform the duties of the president in the
president's absence and succeed into the presidency at the end of the term of office
and shall promote the purposes of the chapter. President – The president shall
administer all business of the chapter, serve as chief representative of the chapter in
inter-chapter activities, and be an ex-officio member of all committees except the
leadership succession committee. The president, with the approval of the board of
directors and when appropriate, shall appoint such other persons as may be
necessary to conduct the business of the chapter.
Treasurer: The treasurer shall be the custodian of the funds of this chapter and may be bonded in an amount equal to three-fourths of the worth of the chapter. The treasurer shall propose a budget to the board. Faculty Counselor: The faculty counselor shall be a member of the faculty at the institution of higher education where the chapter is located, with the exception of counselors within alumni chapters or practice settings who oversee Nurse Leader inductions and who are not required to be faculty. Leadership Succession Committee: The leadership succession committee shall develop members in organizational leadership roles across the span of their careers and mentor members to assume organizational board and officer positions at all levels of the organization. The committee shall select nominees and prepare the ballot. The ballot will be sent to the board of directors at least four weeks prior to a scheduled election. The leadership succession committee shall be composed of at least three elected members. The president shall appoint a chair of the committee from those elected. The leadership succession committee members shall not be eligible for any elected office of the current ballot. Philanthropy/Fundraising Chair: The philanthropy/fundraising chair shall facilitate a chapter philanthropy project each year with the direction of the board; as well as fundraising activities to raise money for student scholarships as determined by the Board. Scholarship Committee Co-Chair: Once a year in the spring, scholarship opportunities are announced to the membership and to PACSON students. As scholarship committee co-chair you are working with the current chair to announce scholarship opportunities, read their applications and determine the winners for undergraduate, graduate and family Sigma/Nu Mu scholarships being offered. Usually we provide 3 undergrad, 2 grad and 1 family scholarship for $1000.00 each or more, depending on board decision. Scholarship winners are invited to attend the spring induction ceremony to be recognized. Eligibility Chair: As part of the governance committee, the eligibility chair Is responsible for determining the eligibility of PACSON undergraduate and graduate students for invitation to join Sigma. Eligibility is determined as stated in the Sigma, Nu Mu Bylaws during the fall semester for ABSN students and during the spring semester for traditional BSN and ADN to BSN students. The eligibility chair invites eligible students through a letter or email. The eligibility chair works closely with the membership chair and co-chair in the induction of new student members. Bylaws Chair: As part of the governance committee, the bylaws chair shall oversee bylaws compliance and make recommendations for bylaws changes. Program Committee members: As members of the program committee, you will be assisting the chapter Vice President/Program Chair in the planning of at least two chapter programs/events annually. Annual programs include a fall program/induction ceremony, Evidence Based Practice Forum and the Spring induction of new members.
Membership Information
Membership Criteria:
"Join Sigma!" video
"The Future of Sigma is Here" video
2024 NUMU INDUCTEES...under construction!
Undergraduate (BSN Basic)
​Undergraduate (RN to BSN)